Perform a Job Search
- Go to Jobs
- Search by keywords, or use the filters to receive specific results. Filters are a powerful tool for refining your search to get better matches. Filter options will include:
- Title
- Skills
- Location
- Employment Type
- Go through the options and click on a job of your interest to view further details.
To apply for the job, click on the Apply Now button present on the top right corner of the post. An apply form will open up, where in you will be required to attach your CV and type out a cover letter.
You can save a job post for later by clicking on a ♡ at the top right corner of the post. You can later view all the marked job posts in the saved jobs section, under My Jobs of your own profile.
Post a Job
If you are an Eneterprise or an Individual working on a particular project and want to hire talent/crew for a specific skill, we provide you with the option to create a Job Post as well. The steps are simple:
- Go to Jobs and click on Post a Job
- Fill in the details asked for in the form –
- Basic Information
- Title of the job-
- Employment Type – Contract, Full time, Part time, Internship.
- Workspace Type – Hybrid, Onsite, Remote
- Company Name
- Location
- Job Description: Within 2600 characters you can post a job description with the roles and responsibilities.
- Basic Information
- Do a thorough check of the details filled out and click on Publish to make your job post live on the website.
If you are unsure of the details filled out, you can save the job creation in your Drafts by clicking on Save as Draft and revisit it whenever you are ready to post.
My Jobs
This feature allows you to keep a track of the job posts that you have created, saved and applied for.
Published Jobs
- Here you can view the applicants and their profiles.
- You can edit any details or information in your already created posts.
- Visit the Drafts that are yet to be published.
- Once a candidate is hired, you can unpublish the listed job and keep a track of all the job posts you have unpublished over a period of time.
Saved Jobs
- Here you can view the shortlisted job posts that you are interested to apply for and go over their requirements before you make the decision of applying for that particular post.
Applied Jobs
- This helps you to keep a track of all the job posts you have applied for so that you don’t end up applying for the same, twice.